PERA - your partner

Non ferrous metal foundry & CNC machining

Nonferrous metal foundry, CNC machining, CNC wire bending or vibratory machining are just some of our services.

Odlewnia metali

Odlewnia metali

stopy mosiądzów, aluminium i brązu

Gięcie drutu

Gięcie drutu

gięcie elementów w dwóch i trzech wymiarach

Odlewnia żywic RIM

Odlewnia żywic RIM

żywice chemoutwardzalne typu RIM

Obróbka skrawaniem

Obróbka skrawaniem

toczenie i frezowanie CNC

Obróbka wibrościerna

Obróbka wibrościerna

obróbka powierzchni metalowych

Metal foundry

RIM resin foundry

Wire bending

CNC Machining

Vibration treatment

About the company

Our company was founded in 1990 in Ostrow Wielkopolski. For many years we focused on the production of components for horse sports. The wide range of customer requirements led to a number of technological departments being set up in our company. Nonferrous metal foundry, CNC machining, CNC wire bending or vibratory machining are some of them.

About the company

Our company was founded in 1990 in Ostrow Wielkopolski. For many years we focused on the production of components for horse sports. The wide range of customer requirements led to a number of technological departments being set up in our company. Nonferrous metal foundry, CNC machining, CNC wire bending or vibratory machining are some of them.

Pera in numbers

years of experience
0 +
projects implemented
0 +
regular clients
0 +
machinery plant
0 +

Do you have any questions? Write to us!